Directions to Dikili

To get to Dikili, İzmir from the city center, you can follow these directions:
Take the E87 highway heading north out of Izmir towards the town of Bergama.
After approximately 85 kilometers, take the exit for the D550 highway towards Dikili.
Follow the D550 highway for approximately 15 kilometers.
Once you arrive in Dikili, you can use GPS or follow the signs to reach your final destination.
The journey takes approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes depending on traffic and road conditions.

Hotel Facilities
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2 guest

Aheste Taş Otel

5.0 · Great · 15 reviews
Aheste Taş Otel, Dikili İzmir Small & Boutique Hotels
Dikili üst tepelerinde muhteşem manzaralı ve sessiz.
Getting the best price
4.4 · Great · 13 reviews
Getting the best price

Oliviera Private Island Hotel

4.5 · Great · 44 reviews
Oliviera Private Island Hotel | Dikili, Izmir Small & Boutique Hotels
Aquarium-like sea, palm trees and ornate vegetation...
Getting the best price

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the average hotel prices in Dikili?
Otel fiyatları için sitemizi inceleyebilirsiniz.
What are the best hotels near the airport in Dikili?
Balıkesir Koca Seyit Havalimanı Dikili'ye 71 km uzaklıkta. Sitemizde refere ettiğimiz yerleri inceleyebilirsiniz.
Which are the adult hotels in Dikili?
Lila Hotel kusursuz sessizliğin hakim olduğu atmosferi ile kendinize vakit ayırabileceğiniz bir yer burası...