Public Holidays in 2025
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Public Holidays in 2025

Good news from 2025... In 2025, you can take 48 days of vacation by using 13 days of annual leave.

We have prepared a more enjoyable time suggestion for you by taking time off for public holidays and combining your vacation!

New Year

Wednesday, January 1st:
You can take a total of 5 days vacation by taking 2 days off before or after.

Eid al-Fitr

Saturday, March 29
Total vacation time is 4 days. 3 days off can be increased to 9 days. 
Saturday, March 29 Eid al-Fitr Eid al-Fitr
Sunday, March 30 - 1st day of Eid al-Fitr
Monday, March 31 - 2nd day of Eid al-Fitr
Tuesday, April 1 - 3rd day of Eid al-Fitr

National Sovereignty and Children's Day

Wednesday, April 23: 5 days off with 2 days off before or after.

May 1 Labor and Solidarity Day

Thursday, May 1st: 1 day off can be taken on Friday. It can be a total of 4 days.

Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day

Monday, May 19th: 3 days vacation is available.

Eid al-Adha

You can have 9 days vacation by taking 3 days off.

Thursday, June 5 - Eid al-Adha Eve

Friday, June 6 - Eid al-Adha Day 1
Saturday, June 7 - Eid al-Adha Day 2
Sunday, June 8 - 3rd day of Eid al-Adha

Monday, June 9 - 4th day of Eid al-Adha

Democracy and National Unity Day

Tuesday, July 15: If you take Monday off, you can have 4 days off.

Victory Day

Saturday, August 30th

Republic Day

Wednesday, October 29th. You can take a vacation by taking 2 days at the beginning of the week or 2 days at the weekend.

New Year's Eve 2025

If you take Friday off, you can have 4 days off... 
Thursday, January 1 is a holiday

You can also create a Getaway Route for the November, January and April Interim Holidays.