Directions to Artvin

It is possible to reach Artvin by bus from most cities today. There are regular bus services almost every day. If you want to go by plane, the closest airport to the center of Artvin is in Kars, about 200 kilometers away. The situation is the same for those who prefer the railroad. The nearest train station is in Kars or Erzurum. If you want to come by private car, here is some road information for you:
- Istanbul to Artvin is approximately 1300 kilometers and takes approximately 18 hours.
- Erzurum - Artvin is approximately 200 kilometers and takes approximately 4 hours.
- Bursa - Artvin is approximately 1300 kilometers and takes approximately 18 hours.
- Samsun - Artvin is approximately 565 kilometers and takes approximately 8 hours. - Ankara - Artvin is approximately 980 kilometers and takes approximately 13 hours 45 minutes.
- Eskişehir - Artvin is approximately 1225 kilometers and takes approximately 16 hours 40 minutes.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Which hotels in Artvin have beautiful views?
Koliva Otel Kafkasör çarıpıcı bir Karadeniz gerçeği sunuyor. Suyu bol, toprağı bereketli, insanları çok içten.
What are the average hotel prices in Artvin?
Otel fiyatları için sitemizi inceleyebilirsiniz.
What are the best hotels to stay in Artvin?
Hiçbiri kıyas kaldırmıyor. İyisi mi siz sitemizden refere ettiğimiz yerleri inceleyin.
What are the best hotels near the airport in Artvin?
Rize - Artvin Havaalanı 120 km uzaklıkta. Sitemizde refere ettiğimiz yerleri inceleyebilirsiniz.
Which hotels with fireplaces in Artvin?
Osman Ağa Konağı, dünya şekeri aile işletmesi. Konukseverlikleri insanın gözünü yaşartacak kadar mükemmel. Harıl harıl yanan şöminenin tadını çıkarın.